
Written in May of 2006 for the essay titled Tiny Golden Feet…

Lauri Wollner was born and raised in Iowa.  She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and began her career in the helping profession in the late 1980’s.  She worked with persons with disabilities and then as a chemical dependency counselor.  She volunteered for the Rape Victim Advocacy Program in Iowa City while completing her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling at the University of Iowa.  She moved to Minnesota in 1995 after being hired as a counselor for a GLBT substance abuse treatment center.  Since 1998, she has been employed with a leading AIDS Service Organization that provides HIV prevention information as well as referrals and services for persons living with HIV/AIDS.  Being a rather butch, queer woman, Lauri endures the uglier side of humanity sometimes but still stands tall and lives with integrity.  She credits her spirituality as her main survival tool.  She enjoys camping with her friends and close family members.  She currently lives with her partner of nearly ten years, three living cats and a snake named Miss Celie. 

Written for STP sometime in 2004… 

Lauri Wollner has become well educated in her 35 years. She lives in the Mid-West with her other half, four cats and a snake. She grew up Catholic and currently has a rosary with her at all times. You can call her religious if you want, or anything else for that matter. She has survived more labels than she can remember. “Daughter” and “sister” are about the only ones she will claim. She is a work in progress.      

Progress Is Perfection