
Just finishing up a “Balance Weekend” and I have wanted to write about this for a long, long time but never feel like I can do it justice.  I still don’t feel confident in my ability to do this but I figure I will never write anything if I don’t just write something.  So, I just added a link to a website about the process known as a “Balance” and would urge you to read the site.

Dr. Margaret Hansen has become a dear, dear friend of mine over the years.  She has also been one of my saviors more than once.  I have lost track of how many times I have had a Balance session but each and every experience has taken me to a newer and better level in my life.  And any goal that I have worked through and issue I have tackled has remained such, there has not been any back-tracking on anything I have worked on with Margaret.

Despite her modesty, I do believe she is able to facilitate “miracles” on some level.  She is able to utilize her skills, knowledge, and compassion to help folks from all walks of life figure out what the next step is, what to let go of, what to strive for and how to further live to their fullest potential.

I met her in the early 90’s when she came to the Women’s Resource and Action Center in Iowa City, Iowa where I was doing an internship for my graduate degree.  She spent a couple of hours with myself and the entire staff and did this process with us that transformed an already functional group into an amazingly smooth, productive, and supportive work environment.

Eventually, I called upon her for a Balance for myself and over the years have had Balance sessions with partners as well.  The work that I did with her years ago allowed me to heal on countless levels.  The work that I have done with her in the last few years has supported me in growing and maturing on levels I would never have imagined.

She is working hard to set up places across the country where she can do this work.  This past weekend she stayed here and did about three to four sessions a day.  She worked really hard.  She helped a number of people.  She will be back.  I have made a number of referrals over the years, having to convince my friends to trust me that it was worth the money despite my inability to describe the experience all that well.  I have never had a disappointed referral.  Everyone who has been brave enough to try it out has been a satisfied customer.

Check out her website and drop her a line if you are interested.  Write up a comment for my website if you have had a Balance and something to say about it.  Email me if you have questions or are interested in a session.

I like to describe her work as “10 years of therapy in a couple of hours”.

It truly is amazing…